Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Get Ready for My Superbowl Sunday

The end of February is quickly approaching, sports and entertainment fans (yes, even with the leap year!), so you know what that means. It's Academy Awards Time! Oscar night has always been an important one in my life. Every year, I gear up by seeing (some of) the films, reading analysis, making my predictions and getting extra excited on the Big Night. Even when I was in elementary school, say 9 or 10 years old, I would get downright giddy as the stars would arrive on the Red Carpet. What were they wearing? Who was their date? What kind of asinine questions would Joan Rivers ask? Some things have changed about the show since then. Up until a few years ago, the show was in March and on a Monday night. Back then, I would always equate the Oscars with the end of winter, because something else fantastic happened on that night: the softball draft pick. My dad coached my softball team for five years, and every Oscar night, he would come home with a new team (mostly made up of my friends, duh). This forever coupled my love for sports with my love for entertainment.

True, the show is always too long. It has one too many montages. Parts of it are kinda boring. There are way too many commericals. I'm usually a zombie the next day at school/work. For some reason though, every year I get that same excitement. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that so many movie stars are in one room at once, and that a lot of them are fabulous. I really don't know what it is and a lot of people don't give a shit about them at all. With all that being said, you know where I'll be on Sunday night from 7ish (Red Carpet pre-shows!)-about 11:45: planted in front of my tv and enjoying every minute of it.
Coming Soon: An Oscar Pick Showdown between Devo and MissMet.

1 comment:

devo said...

I lost respect for the Oscars when Titanic won best editing. I still watch it...but the mystique is gone.