Friday, February 22, 2008

Guitar Hero Ramblings

Ok so let me be the lone asshole on this site to admit that he has Guitar Hero and he plays it frequently (ok not that frequently, let's say twice a week) so that his Midtown Manhattan neighbors can all laugh at him and send him disturbing craigslist postings but I digress. I might be getting a little to old for video games but when the fuck was it necessary to utilize all the digits on one's fingers?

Do you remember the old school games when we only needed 2 fingers at max. I MISS THOSE DAYS. Goddammit that a man doesn't have other shit to do that utilizes all 5 phalanges. It truly limits a man's potential (oh and let me guess a female's potential as well).

Look here video game makers, the time has come to realize who you are dealing with. My generation was all about the the a,b, start and nothing more. When you make it necessary to utilize our pinky and ring fingers, my gawd, you are just asking for it. Sure, kids these days know how to utilize all 5 fingers but i'm still an old motherfucker and I am resistant to change. Just for that, the next little asshole I see in an arcade, i'm going to knock the fuck out. Fuck you for you showing up your elders you prick kid.

Sure most of you will tell me to take my ass to the practice mode, but FUCK YOU. I want to rock out too. I just happen to have difficulty on medium mode. EH fuck it. I'll just out rock these kids on Rockband. (I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO A KAROKE SHOWDOWN)

Anyways, yes i'm a loser and I stand by it.


devo said...

And kids, this is why drunk blogging is a bad idea....

Also, I know that at least two other writers own GH, SHMUCK and myself.

The Yinzer said...

All I can ever think of when i hear guitar hero is the end of the South Park episode about it. Anyone who plays the game should see it.

The Brooklyn Hillbilly said...

Thanks Mahatma, I feel even older since Im barely adequate on Easy