Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wuss of the week

I post something about basketball maybe once every time I see Cameron Diaz in the street. So that would be once. Anyway, I don't know who our tough guy here is nor do I really care at the moment. I mean sure we all have our share of pictures where we aren't looking the best but this is ridiculous. He looks like he just got that new Barbie doll he always wanted as if Santa brought it to him on Xmas. Good luck being this guy's PR agent and trying to maintain that "athlete" image.


devo said...

Wait, so you saw Cameron Diaz on the street? Go on...

The Brooklyn Hillbilly said...

i think thats kyle korver. well, hes white, playing for utah and not kirilenko, so im pretty confident its korver. regardless, i believe this guy is locked into a massive contract i believe, so he can probably act like a bitch for the next 3-4 years without repurcussion. besides, i think thats how most people in utah react to black guys.

Moore said...

Yes, that's Kyle Korver. That actually the best defense I've ever seen him play.
