Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Some thoughts about the actual parade

The actual parade itself sorta sucked live. It was just put together. I was at the '96, '98, and '99 Yankee Parades, along with the '95, '00 and '03 Devil celebrations, and this just lacked the flow that those events had. There was a 20 minute period in the middle of the parade where simply no one passed by.

Say what you want about the Devils celebrations, which are basically a glorified parking lot pep rally, but they did get two things right:

1. Because the NHL players wear helmets, it is tough to identify all but the stars of each team by their face. Thus, for the pep rallies, the Devils all wore their jersey on top of their street clothes. But the Giants? The only one who wore a jersey was Plax, in support of his brother from another mother, Jeremiah Shockey. When all the Giants wear the SB Champs sweatshirt, it becomes tough to identify all but 10-15 players.
2. The Devils always appeared onstage with their wives/girlfriends when they were recognized. This led to at least one, if not two rounds of "Who's girlfriend is the hottest?" And inevitably, a 4th liner always comes out of nowhere to blow us away. This year, the family rode in a separate bus. And we're left to wonder if any of the Giants even have wives or girlfriends.

As for the City Hall ceremony. I'm not saying that it looked like a high school celebration, but between seeing everyone seated onstage in rows, and seeing each row rise separately, i began to get Vitamin C's "Graduation Day" song stuck in my head. It was worth it though when players didn't remember to take the key to the city in their left hand and shake with their right. And more importantly, Strahan finally has the key to something that his ex-wife can't take away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tom coughlin will die as the giants coach