Sunday, January 27, 2008

If You Cheer for the Pats You're Going to Hell

Now, we’re all familiar with some of the sins the bible says will cause us to go to hell. However, I have noticed quite a few of these things prevalent with a certain football team: the New England Patriots.

Child born of unwed parents
While this may apply to oh, 90% of fathers in the NFL, none have done a more blatant violation than Tom Brady. Not only did the golden boy commit this sin, but upon the child’s birth dumped the woman that carried his demon seed for nine months. Yes, he outright kicked her and his kid to the curb to be with another. I’m no expert on the bible but I’m pretty sure there is some sin that can be applied to that. Not to mention it’s a totally dick move.

Coveting thy neighbors wife
One of the more well known sins is committing adultery, and who did that? Why good old rags-to-riches but still wearing rags Bill Belichick. This man cheated on his wife, and even after word got out continued to do it until the divorce papers were finally signed. He completely ignored the sanctimony of marriage and of his family to bang a woman he saw whenever he was in town. (And why would a woman want to be with such a huge dick? … Well, I guess I just answered my own question there). Yes, Billy boy loves to cheat in every way possible, I mean, why would he settle for just making a mockery of things on the field?

Douchebaggery is the next great sin
In recent years one of the greatest sins has become the act of douchebaggery, and unfortunately it continues to grow ever more common. Such acts of douchebaggery are: the cactus cut, pointing at the camera, stomping on players after a play, popped collars, carrying a purse, showing off abs, handing a game ball to another teams child fan but taking it away at the last second, celebrating a good play like a complete douchebag. The list goes on and on, and sadly, the Patriots players, in particular the likes of Mike Vrabel, Wes Welker and Tom Brady, constantly display such acts of douchebaggery.

Cheap shotting
What the Patriots do to cheap shots on the field is the equivalent of what Judas did to Jesus. He just said “fuck it” and did what he could to hurt the other guy. This is the case with quite a few of the Patriots such as Vrabel, Harrison and Wilfork just to name a few. They play more to hurt than to actually play, and when they get caught say that its just a rough sport and is ok. If it happened to them, you can sure as hell bet them and their “fans” would be whining non stop like the hypocrites they are.

They Cheat
On the field, off the field, they are just plain cheaters. How often was it repeated to us as kids how bad cheating was? Well, these guys do it all the time despite not even needing to. Up by a few touchdowns with ten seconds left? Hell, still read the other teams signals and win by three touchdowns. It’s just such an utter lack of respect they show to the game, the people who play and the fans.

Now, here’s the thing. These are all blatant acts of sinning, and everyone knows it. So if you cheer for the people that do this, you are essentially condoning sin, something good old Satan (and I don’t mean Miroslav) has been preaching for quite some time. You are supporting people who have a golden ticket to the gates of hell, so concurrently you are going to follow the bandwagon there with them.

That and you’re a complete douchebag. And you don’t want to be a douchebag, do you?

And we have happened to come across a picture of some of the Patriots hanging out together at a bar. This is a Straight Up Sports exclusive picture that is very telling.

1 comment:

devo said...

Props to the Straight Up Sports photographer for getting them all to pose for us.