Thursday, January 24, 2008

Reasons to Cheer Against the Pats (if you actually need them)

So as we all know and expected the New England Gaytriots have made the Superbowl once again. Now, despite ESPN’s and other media constantly bending over for the cheaters most people aren’t buying into the love of this team., and for good reason. There are quite a few reasons not to like this team, and none of it has to do with them being good. In fact, that’s about the last reason to dislike this team. So I am going to present five reasons not to cheer for this team should you actually be buying into all of the hype.

5) The Media
The media acts like the Patriots are the next coming of Jesus here to save football, everything they do is right and great and everyone should love them. All their players are the best, Tom Brady best QB ever, Belichick best coach ever etc. The media’s sheer brain dead love for the Pats approaches insane, especially those members that voted Belicheat the best head coach when he got caught, proven and punished for cheating. I’m sorry, but there is something wrong with that. Their 16-0 season is tainted, yet the media refuses to acknowledge Spygate, acting as if it happened decades ago and not applicable this year. They try to force everyone to like this team but in the end people just hate them more.

4) Classless Players
Marching on the other teams symbol, handing a game ball to another teams child fan only to take it away at the last second, letting a team throw you a big retirement party then sign with another the next week, using HGH and then lying about it, aiming for the knees and other low blows and cheating, are just some of the antics the Patriots players have pulled. And let’s talk about character judging. We always hear about Chris Henry and Pacman Jones, but what about the golden boy Tom Brady? This guy’s girlfriend had his baby, then right after he promptly dumped her for another. Brady said in response to Anthony Smith that someone’s actions should judge what they do, not what they say. Well Tom, I think yours says what kind of person you really are.

3) The Head Coach
Bill Belichick is what happens when a piece of crap becomes sentient. His “defensive genius” is actually taping the other team’s signals. He would say in his press conference a lot of players were questionable or doubtful to fool the other team while every other team had the integrity to be truthful. When one of his players gets injured he won’t let the other teams medical staff help. If you are looking to coach somewhere else, he gets the locks changed on you. These are some of the things Belichick has done over the years, and frankly it’s nothing short of pathetic. I also find it funny that he keeps talking about the importance of team, yet that whole family thing eludes him. He cheats on the field and off the field, what more is there to dislike about this guy?

2) The fans
Or, more aptly “fans” I went to school in New England, and for the first two and a half years all I ever heard was how much the Pats sucked, they would never be good, let them move out of town, oh yeah, they didn’t even know who Tom Brady was until Bledsoe went down! Literally, they did not even know his name! But they go on a win streak and eventually get a Superbowl, and what happens? Now they’re the best and most knowledgeable fans out there who have always supported the team. But the truth of the matter is, everything they believe about themselves is the exact opposite of what they are. In addition to being obnoxious, hypocritical bandwagoners, they are also the most classless fan base ever. They don’t cheer for a win, they cheer for injuries to the other team. They don’t celebrate their win, they spit in the faces of the other team and the fans. There are no redeeming qualities about their “fans.” Not to mention they cheer for a team that cheats, and they are ok with it. But looking at the team they cheer for, is it really that surprising the “fans” are the way they are?

1) They are a Disgrace
What do I mean by disgrace? Well, exactly that. They’re cheaters, both on and off the field, and they have no class or integrity in the least. Bill “Aqualung” Belichik makes the effort to get a cameraman a camera and press pass so he can video tape the other team but wont make the effort to put on a decent shirt. The players know they were cheating and went along with it. And yes Teddy Bruschi that does mean we are taking away credit from the past Superbowl teams because they cheated too and deserve to have the credit stripped. They insult anyone who ever has, is or will play the game by cheating. They say “to hell with the rules” like they are above them, and worse of all the media and even NFL treat them that way. This is a team that despite not even needing to cheat to win, did so anyways, and I don’t know how much lower you can go than that.

So there are five major reasons not to like this team. The Patriots “fans” can go on all they want about how others are jealous or about past losses, and that’s the short sighted, simple minded response I would expect from a New England “fan”. But that’s not it. Losses come and go. It’s the fact that coach, players and fans are all classless individuals who I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would cheer for them.


The Brooklyn Hillbilly said...

"Bill “Aqualung” Belichik makes the effort to get a cameraman a camera and press pass so he can video tape the other team but wont make the effort to put on a decent shirt."

I couldnt agree more. Belichiks manner of dressing has irked me for years. If the guys in the NBA have to wear suits so they dont scare the white people, then the least NFL coaches can do is wear a collar.

The Yinzer said...

It is funny that coaches in other sports have to wear a coat and tie, yet the NFL you just need a nike symbol somewhere, and that includes just throwing it on a bunch of rags. Though the other coaches may not be dressed that great, they at least wear polo's or button downs. It's a matter of respect, something the Pats always complain they dont get. How ironic.

devo said...

Yeah, but NFL coaches look weird when they dress in modern, dark suits like Del Rio and Nolan did. They should all be made to dress like Tom Landry did back in the day; hilariously ugly suit and the Tom Landry hat.